“Export Data” is one of the most powerful functions available to you in the WebManager. First, it allows you to export a copy of your current data to create a backup copy before any major changes are applied. Second, it creates a fast and convenient way to edit any information within RepZio. The exported data can also be used to manually import data into a backend accounting software.
To access this feature, simply log into the WebManager, click on “Manage Data”, then “Export Data”. The following screen will be displayed:
“Export Data” is separated into three sections: Product Data, Customers, and Other. Each button corresponds to the type of data that will download into your computer if you were to click on it: Clicking on “Export Products” will download your product data in the form of the import product template. Clicking on “Export Customers” will download your customer data in the customer import template, and so on.
Certain types of data are also available to download in the CSV format. Keep in mind that any data that has not been pushed live will not be reflected in the data exports.
A common way our clients use this function is for product updates and editing. For example: if you need to change the pricing information for an entire category of products, it’s far easier and faster to simply export your product data, make the necessary changes in the exported spreadsheet, and then re-upload that same spreadsheet to apply the edits. However, we recommend the following:
⚠️ Please save a copy of the original file you exported from the WebManager before uploading the new information. ⚠️
Doing this provides you with a backup copy to use in case of an emergency. After all, it’s far easier to re-load a backup copy and identify what caused the errors than to try to fix everything without a frame of reference.
Q: Do I really need to save a copy of my data as a backup before uploading new information? I’m only changing a couple of things.
Ans: YES. Trust us, you’ll be glad you have the backups if a mistake is made.
Q: What happens if I try to export data that doesn’t exist? For example: I don’t have any child products in the system, so what happens if I export child product data?
Ans: A blank copy of the Child Product template would download into your computer. Don’t worry: you will never be able to mess up your information by exporting it.
Q: I exported my product data, and see a bunch of items listed “TRUE” under the IsDeleted column. I thought I deleted these items?
Ans: You did. Marking items “True” under the IsDeleted column deactivates that product and renders it inert. Marking the product True essentially acts as a “soft” delete--the product is still in your account, but it cannot be displayed or ordered. We include TRUE items in your data exports in case you want to bring those items back, and for record-keeping purposes on your end.
Q: How do identify if the customer originated from ShopZio?
Ans: When you export Customer data, in the "CustomerNumber" field, if the Customer Number has a SZ as the prefix.
For example, the following Customer Numbers originated from ShopZio.
When you accept a new customer through ShopZio, it will automatically have the prefix. If you manually adjust the Customer Number, there will be no way to know where the customer originated from from that data export.
Next, let's how to Download Data Templates