The sales rep captures the card information on the app. This information is tokenized and passed to the webmanager portal with a submitted order. The card is not charged at this time. It is only checked for validity and puts a hold on the card for the amount of the order. When the order is ready to be shipped, you can charge the customers card from webmanager by:
- Browsing to the View Orders section in webmanager
- Click on the OrderID of the order you wish to collect payment on
At the bottom of the order, you will have two options as seen in the screenshot below:
- Charge Card Ending in xxxx
- Add a new card
- Once a card is selected click "Charge Card Ending in xxxx" where "xxxx" is the last four digits of the card you would like to charge. You could also add a new card by clicking on "Add a New Card" if the card you wish to charge is not listed.
Next, from the Charge Credit Card for Order screen as seen below:
- Choose "Authorize and Capture"
- Verify the Amount to charge
- Update Order Status if necessary
- Click "Charge Customer's Credit Card" to process the payment
Note: You can charge an amount less than the total dollar amount of the order (as a deposit), then go back later and charge the remainder when the order is ready to ship.
You have now successfully charged a customer's credit card through RepZio webmanager.
Note: You can also charge credit cards in your credit card processor's web terminal.