Your sales reps have the ability to capture credit card information in a safe and secure way to be charged at a later date. In order to enable this feature, you must first make sure that you have an account with one of the payment processing companies listed here. Next, you need to navigate to the “Settings” section under “Accept Payments”:
On the left side of your screen, you will see two drop-down menus: “Payment Provider”, and “Credit Cards Payments Enabled?”. First, click on the Payment Provider menu and select the payment processor you have an account with. The fields on the right side of your screen will change depending on the company you select. For example, SecureNet will display fields asking for a “SecureKey” and a “SecureNetId”. Selecting AuthorizeNet will display fields requiring an “APILogin” and a “Transaction Key”, and so on.
The fields on the right side of your screen need to be filled with the proper information in order for the credit card capture to operate successfully. You can find the information by consulting your payment processor account.
After you have filled in the fields on the right-hand side of your screen, make sure you choose “True” for the “Credit Cards Payments Enabled?” menu. Lastly, make sure to click on the green “Save Payment Settings” button to save your work. Now your sales reps can capture credit card information in a secure manner! To learn more about how to capture credit card information by using the RepZio App, click here.
You can review the credit cards you have on file by clicking on “Payment Profiles” under “Accept Payments”. You will see five columns: Actions, Customer Number, Card Name, Card Last 4, and Exp Date. “Actions” allows you to edit credit card details such as expiration month and year, as well as the CVV2 code (the security code unique to each credit card, usually found on the back of the card). You may also delete the credit card by clicking on the red trash can symbol.
You can also search for specific customer numbers by using the “Search Customer Number” field in the top left corner of your screen. Finally, you can always check what credit cards you have on file for a customer by reviewing their details page within the WebManager.
IMPORTANT REMINDER: Due to PCI Compliance, credit card information may not be included in the notes section of orders. Any credit card information in the notes section will automatically be removed upon order submission. Additionally, we require that UTS (universal tokens) be enabled to accept credit card payments through the app. UTS encrypts credit card information to protect the buyer and his/her information.
Next up, we'll learn how to manage Webhooks