This section allows you to monitor the health of the automated systems that were set up for your organization during the optional integration stage. Please note that this section is only relevant to users who also purchased the integration service from RepZio.
Let’s first define what a webhook actually is: a webhook is a way of changing how a web page or web application behaves. In a RepZio context, it means that whenever your sales reps submit an order, then a webhook commands the WebManager to send a copy of that order to your accounting software (Quickbooks and Sage are some examples of accounting software).
A webhook is created whenever an order has been submitted, creating a queue. Using the Webhooks feature in the WebManager allows you to view the queue to make sure everything is operating as it should be. If a webhook fails, then an error notification will be sent to your email address. Check out the screen below:
These are examples of webhook errors. Here’s what each column means:
- WebHookType describes what kind of Webhook was generated.
- WebHookResponse shows what happened when the webhook tried to modify the WebManager’s behavior.
- FailCount is how many times the webhook tried—and failed—to execute.
- Processed informs you whether the webhook was processed or not. "False" means no, "True" means yes.
- Processed on displays when the webhook was...(accepted by the system? No idea)
- Time Stamp shows the date and time of when the webhook was created.
You have a couple of options on this screen: first, you can “unpause” the webhook, which allows the webhook to try and process again. Essentially, it acts as a reset button for the webhook. The other option you have is to delete the webhook altogether. In the above screenshot’s example, deleting the webhook does not mean that the order itself is deleted; it only means that the webhook that is attempting to send that order to your accounting software will be removed.
If you have any questions in terms of how the webhooks work and how they affect your account, then please contact RepZio support.
Push Data Live will be discussed next!