Modifiers consist of two spreadsheets: Modifier List ("ImportModifierLists.xls") and Product Modifiers ("ImportProductModifiers.xls")
The Modifier List spreadsheet is where you configure the drop-down options that will appear for selected products on the iPad. The Product Modifiers spreadsheet is where you associate the drop-down options to the desired products.
Modifier List Headers:
- ModifierListName - Simply put - this is the drop down name on the iPad.
- ModifierListKey - This is the field used to pair the ItemID to the Modifier. This field appears on both spreadsheets, allowing you to link drop-down options to specific products.
- ModifierItemID - This is the ItemID for each modifier.
- ModifierItemName - This is the name that the option will have in the drop down on the iPad.
- Price - If the modifier is going to change the price, you enter the amount here. The modifier can be a positive or negative value.
- PhotoName - This is the same field that is on the ImportProductTemplate spreadsheet. If the name of the .jpg image does not match the ModifierItemID you need to specify the image name here.
- IsDeleted - This field is required on every spreadsheet uploaded into RepZio. It determines whether or not a modifier should be deleted out of the system.
Product Modifiers Headers:
- ModifierListKey - This is the field used to pair the ItemID to the Modifier. This field appears on both spreadsheets, allowing you to link drop-down options to specific products.
- ItemID - This is the sku of the product that you want to be associated to specific modifiers. You associate the ItemIDs to the drop-down options using the aforementioned Modifier List Key.
- SortOrder - This is used to determine which modifier is listed first. THIS IS IMPORTANT because the final ItemID is built by the modifiers. So the list of the modifiers needs to be in the manner that the ERP sees the final ItemID
- IsDeleted - This field is required on every spreadsheet uploaded into RepZio. It determines whether or not a modifier should appear next to specific products.