Tags allow you to create groups of products that you wish to showcase to your clients. Common uses for tags are to highlight clearance items, holiday sales, trade show specific items, and upcoming releases. Sales reps are also able to create their own tags within the RepZio iOS App.
Tags can be created through the Import Tags Template or through WebManager directly.
To manage tags, log into WebManager. There are four areas within tags that you are able to manage directly through the admin portal.
- WebManager > Products > Manage Tags <or> Arrange Tags <or> Quick Edit Tags <or> Quick Edit Tag Items
Manage Tags
To manage tags, see the options to manage below.
Create a Tag in WebManager
Follow the steps below to create a new tag within WebManager.
- Head to WebManager > Products > Manage Tags >
- Create a tag name
- Tag names must be unique.
- Create a tag order (tag order must start with 1 and be numerical)
- Tag Order is where we determine the tag’s place amongst the other tags.
- Set 'Display On' - tags must be set to "All", "B2B", or "iPad"
- We suggest you set tags 'Display On' to "All"
- Optional: Set a description for your tag
- Enter an ItemID to be included in your tag.
- You only need to include one ItemID here, but it must match exactly to an item in your product list - you will be able to remove it in step 7 if you need to do so.
- You'll be able to add additional items to the tag in the next step
- Add additional items to the tag by selecting your items in the 'Add Products' dropdown menu
Merge Tags
If you need to merge tags, click the merge tags button and then select the tags to merge, click merge tags.
Rename This Tag
To rename a tag, select the tag you wish to rename and then click rename this tag. Enter the new tag name and then click rename tag.
Delete This Tag
Need to delete a tag? Select the tag you are looking to delete and click delete tag, click delete tag in the confirmation pop-up. Once you click delete tag, this cannot be undone.
Arrange Tags
To arrange tags, click on the "Arrange Tags" option in the side panel menu. Drag-and-drop tags in the order you desire and click save tags order.
**Please note - at this time, arranging tags may not work properly in the RepZio iOS App. We apologise for the inconvenience.
Quick Edit Tags
To quickly view tags and make edits, click quick edit tags in the side panel menu. You will be able to disable tags, update the name, tag order, display on, and description. Make sure to save changes and push data live.
Quick Edit Tags Items
Within this section, you will be able to see all items within a specific tag and make changes. Make sure to save changes and push data live.
Important Notes
See below important notes when managing tags.
- The following characters "&,#,|,/" cannot be used.
- Tags must have Display On set. We recommend setting to "All".
- Tag order must be in numerical order
Tags Template Overview
The Tags Template (“ImportTagsTemplate.xls”) is used to load tags into RepZio. Please ensure that your tag template is in .XLS or .TXT (Tab Delimited) format.
Tags Template Fields
- ItemID - The item code or SKU of the product that is being placed in a tag
- TagName - The name of the tag to which a product is being added
- TagOrder - The order in which the products will appear within a specific tag
- IsDeleted - Manages whether or not a product will appear within a specific tag. Mark “FALSE” for the product to appear, and “TRUE” for it to be removed from the tag.
Q. How can I manage tags?
A. You may manage tags manually or through the tags template. This spreadsheet performs the same function. You can read more about how to use the spreadsheet here.
Q. Which method is faster to create tags—Manage Tags, or the spreadsheet?
A. It depends on how many tags you wish to create. One or two tags can be created quickly using the Manage Tags feature. If you need to create or edit a large amount of tag information, then the spreadsheet is the best way to go.
Q. How have other RepZio clients used tags in their businesses?
A. The most common usage of tags is to showcase certain products for a seasonal sale, like holiday or spring sales. Some clients use tags to advertise their discontinued products at a reduced price to encourage buying. Some of our clients have created tags specifically for a trade show/market to highlight products that will be released later in the year.
Q. How many Tags can be active at the same time? How many products can I have in a Tag?
A. There is no limit to either the number of active tags or the number of products in each tag.
Q. How do I remove an item from a tag?
A. Select the tag from the drop-down menu, and double-click the item you wish to remove from the tag.