Clicking on “Download Data Templates” will download a .zip file into your computer that contains a blank copy of every data template that is available for use in the RepZio system. To access the templates, simply double click on the .zip file to unzip it.
Clicking on the new folder that appears will take you to the following screen:
“RepZio Required Imports” include the Product and Customer Import templates. Uploading your product and customer information into the system is absolutely essential for your success with RepZio, hence the “Required” moniker.
“RepZio Optional Imports” includes every other template: child products, modifiers, related items, and so on. Like the name implies, these imports are not required for you to use.
“B2B Direct” offers spreadsheet templates that are only relevant to clients who have also subscribed to RepZio’s B2B Direct service. B2B Direct is a service that allows you to create a website with full e-commerce capabilities, based off of the data you upload through the WebManager. You can learn more about the service here.
Is this the only place I can download the data templates?
Nope! You can also download the sheets from the “Upload Data Sheets” function within the WebManager. Just click on the orange “Download Data Templates & Instructions” button on the right-hand side of your screen.
Next, we'll learn how to Manage Images in RepZio!