If your product images are stored online and accessible via the web, you can use our Product Images template to upload your product images into our system. You can download all of our templates along with this one in WebManager.
Important: Uploading this file using our automated upload processes (DataSynq Agent service or Dropbox file uploads) will fail to process. Please use one of our manual upload processes listed above.
- This upload method saves you from having to first download your product images to your computer from the web and then upload them into our system.
- If your product images don't follow our naming convention (ItemID.jpg) then this upload method will rename the images upon upload to match the ItemID they are associated with.
How to use the template:
The template only consists of 3 headers:
1. ItemID - Enter the ItemID of the product whose image you would like to upload.
2.PhotoName- Enter the full URL of the main image for the product. It will look something like this: https://imageurl.com/abc123.jpg
3.AdditionalImages- Enter the full URL of any additional images for the product. Separate multiple entries in this field using a comma with no spaces before or after it. It will look something like this: https://imageurl.com/abc123closeup.jpg,https://imageurl.com/abc123lifestyle.jpg
Finally, upload the completed template into either the WebManager admin portal making sure to select Product Images as the file upload type.
A Note About Dropbox Images
Be sure your Dropbox image urls have ?dl=1 so they can be properly uploaded.
See example here:
A Note About PhotoName Column
The one major requirement using this template that is different than manually uploading images directly is that if the ItemID and Photoname data columns need to be exactly the same value. In other words the PhotoName value must be the same value as the ItemID.