This article will explain the steps to take for setting up and using the “auto-assign” rep feature in the B2B Admin site settings section. This feature will make rep assignment easier for you to manage by helping you to assign reps to customers automatically.
STEP 1 : Add Territory to Rep by zip code
Start the process in the RepZio WebManager:
Login to your WebManager
In the left rail select “View/Edit Sales Reps”
Select individual rep from the list to add territories
On the rep details page use the “Territory” component and walk through the module to add specific zip codes for the rep. You can add one zip code or range of zip codes.
After establishing zip codes in WebManager you are ready to work with the settings in B2B Admin.
Once the rep zip codes are set in the WebManager they will automatically be associated with your B2B website and admin.
(B2B Direct Only) STEP 2: Activate Auto-Assign Rep Based on Territory
After setting up zip codes in WebManager login to your B2B Direct Admin :
Login to your B2B Direct Admin
In the left rail select “Site Settings”
Select “Site Configuration” from the top menu.
On “Site Configuration” page locate the “Sales Rep Settings” section and activate “Auto-Assign Sales Reps by Territory”
STEP 3: Expected behavior
This feature when activated will automatically assign the closest rep to a customer based on the information the customer enters when they sign-up or are entered into the system by an administrator. The selection of the closest is as follow:
ZipCode matching
Customer ZipCode is in the range of ZipCodes for a territory set up as a zip codes range
State/Province matching
If no Rep is matching the customer Territory, the customer is assigned to the Default Rep Number (HOUSE in this case). This assigned Rep# is visible on the Dashboard page of B2B Admin, in the Pending section.
When Sales Rep is deleted, all customers assigned to that sales rep are unassigned and the Rep# is changed to HOUSE