If you're going to replace your iPad there are a few things to check before installing the RepZio app on the new device.
1. On the old device, check to see if the RepZio app is being backed up via iCloud backup. If it is, the backup for the RepZio app will need to be deleted. This is important because if the app is being backed up by iCloud and is restored to the new device from the iCloud backup, the app will not sync properly and cause the rep to have incomplete customer list categories and other issues.
Here's how to check for and delete the RepZio app from iCloud backup if present:
Directions for iOS 11-15:
- Go to Settings > Tap on your name in the top left > iCloud > Manage Storage > Backup >
- Under Backups- pick the backup labeled "This iPad" or "This iPhone"
- Find the RepZio App (the app list may take a moment to load). The apps list may be abbreviated; if so, tap “Show All Apps” to see a complete list
- Scroll down to find the RepZio App
- Turn the Backup RepZio OFF by tapping the toggle to turn it white (if the backup is on the toggle will be green)
- A pop-up message will appear asking: "Do you want to turn off the backup and delete history?" Tap "Delete" to complete the removal of the RepZio app iCloud backup.
- Once this is done or if iCloud backup is not on at all or not on for the RepZio app, then the RepZio app will need to be reinstalled on the new device from the App Store.