Order history is important! When you are unable to see order history, there may be a couple reasons as to why you are not seeing the order history.
Customer Not Assigned
On the backend, an admin will assign customers to specific reps. If you do not see a customer or their order history, it is likely due to the customer not being assigned to you. Or, if the customer is currently assigned to you, but was assigned to another rep that placed orders, you would not see the orders but you should see the customer.
In other words:
- You will ONLY see a customer if the customer is assigned to you.
- You will ONLY see a customer's order history if you submitted the order(s).
There are exceptions such as if a brand has enabled admin or showroom mode for you. Please note the following regarding admin and showroom modes:
- Admin Mode: Admin mode allows a rep to see all customers AND all orders for customers.
- Showroom Mode: Showroom mode allows a rep to see all customers. If this setting is enabled, you would see all customers and only orders for customers in which you submitted.
Will you know if you are in admin or showroom mode? There is no indication within the app that will tell you that you are in showroom or admin modes. The only real way a rep will know is if you know what customers are truly assigned to you.
RepZio Support does not manage clients for a brand. You will need to reach out to your brand's admin first for assistance if you have questions.
Poor or Bad Sync
This can happen if the iPad has a less than ideal internet connection during a data sync or refresh data.
- Verify that the iPad can connect to the internet by opening a Chrome browser and making sure you can access websites.
- Once confirmed, log out + in to re-sync.
- Allow the app a proper amount of time to complete the sync before selecting your manufacturer. You will notice a message that says "Last sync" followed by the day and time once completed.
- Once you see the sync message, tap the 'Clients' button
- If no clients appear right away, go back to your manufacturer's home page in the app and then tap 'clients' again.
- Choose the client in question, that has the missing orders, to verify that missing orders are now presented.
- When you delete the app and reinstall, etc. you should see the 'Check For Order History' button. If you see this button, go ahead and tap it to sync orders. The button will disappear once you tap and won't appear again unless you delete and reinstall the app, etc.
- Note: You are only able to check order history for a particular client once every 24 hours.
As a next option to sync, you can perform a refresh data within the app. Prior to doing so, please ensure the following:
- Verify you are on a strong, stable WiFi connection.
- Do not perform a refresh data if you are travelling and wifi is spotty or you are unsure of the connection strength as you may encounter additional issues.
- Once you have confirmed you are on a strong, stable wifi connection, log into the RepZio iOS app and tap on the manufacturer with which you are experiencing issues.
- Tap on the gear symbol in the upper right corner of the manufacturer home page.
- Tap 'Refresh' in the Refresh Data section to refresh your data. Tap 'Yes' in the Refresh Data pop-up.
- Once you tap 'Refresh' the system will essentially complete a log out and take you back to the log in screen. Now, you can log in as you normally would. Review the video below should you need additional assistance with refreshing data.
Click here to watch a step by step of how to refresh data.