There may be a time when you will want to show the original price for a product you have placed on sale. This can be accomplished by updating the pricing to reflect the new sale price, as well as adding the original price of the product to an unused UDF field(1-15) on the RepZio Products Template spreadsheet.
To access the templates settings page:
- Log in to your account in RepZio’s Webmanager
- In the blue toolbar that runs along the left side of the page, click the “Settings” icon
- From the expanded list of options under “Settings,” choose “Templates”
- Scroll down to the lower section labeled Product Details Template Settings.
- In the field named Info Tab Template 1 you would enter the following HTML Code:
{{#UDF1}}<li><b>Original Cost: $</b> {{UDF1}}{{/UDF1}}
Once saved and pushed out to the iPad, the Original Cost of the product will now show under the Description Tab in the product details page of the product.
When the sale has ended, simply update the pricing for the product and remove the data from the corresponding UDF field you had previously entered. You can do this by either exporting your products or manually editing in Webmanager. Remember to save and "Push Data Live" when finished.
Additional information on HTML Codes and Managing Template Settings.