Setting a Price Level for a particular Customer can be completed 2 ways but first...
Establish Your Price Levels
- You will first need to be logged into WebManager here:
- Using the dashboard, on the left-hand menu, go to Settings > App Settings > Price Name Settings (tab top right)
- Establish the names and currencies for each Price Level
then either...
1. Edit the Customer Price Level via WebManager
- Using the dashboard, on the left-hand menu, go to Customers > Edit Customers
- Notice the Price Level column
- Insert the number of the PriceLevel that you defined above.....Base Price = 0 Price Level 1 = 1 etc..
2. Download & Upload Your Customer Data via our Data Templates
You can download your current Customer data by going to Manage Data > Export Export Data
Once downloaded, edit the PriceLevel on the spreadsheet and re-upload by following this tutorial: Upload Data Sheets
Need to better understand the different headings within the spreadsheet?
See here: Customer Template Headers Defined