You might have the need to split products onto separate orders based on brand or where they are sourced allowing for more efficient order processing. This can be accomplished in RepZio by using the value placed in the Catalog Code field to split the products onto separate orders.
An example of this would be if your source your products out of two warehouses, one in New York and one in California and you would like to separate products on an order based on which warehouse the products will be shipped from.
How to set up Split Order capabilities:
- Export your products (Manage Data > Export Data > Export Products)
- Assign each of your products a Catalog Code and Catalog Name (Based on the above example, any product warehoused in New York would be labeled with the Catalog Code NY, while products coming from California will be labeled with CA)
- Save and upload as a Product template
- Enable the Setting "Split Order on Catalog" (Settings > Global Settings > Advanced)
- Push Data Live
Using the example data shown above, if all four items are placed on the same order, upon submission, Items 1111111 and 111222 would be placed on one order since they both are assigned Catalog Code "NY" while 12Test and 777777 would be placed on a separate order since their Catalog Code is CA.