“Global Settings” are defined as settings that are applied to any of the products offered by RepZio. The settings configured in this section will impact the sales rep app, B2B websites, and ShopZio products. Global Settings is broken up into five different sections—this article will cover each of them. Let’s start with Order Settings:
Order Settings
This section governs your orders: namely, who receives a copy of the order. When a sales rep submits an order by using the App, an order can be sent to the following parties: The Customer, the Sales Rep, and the Manufacturer (the manufacturer copy is sent to whatever email address is listed in the account settings). You may also choose to fax a copy of the order to the customer, or to your factory/warehouse. Faxed customer copies will be sent to the fax number that is listed for that customer in your customer template. Faxed orders sent to the factory/warehouse will use the fax number listed in your account settings. If the button is green, then you know the setting is on and active.
Price Name Settings
In this section, you will be able to customize the names of your price levels. You may also change the currency type and symbol in this section by clicking on the dropdown menu titled “USD”. Once you have entered the new name and selected the proper currency (if applicable), make sure to click on the blue “Save Changes” button to save your work.
Search Child Items: This allows the user to search for Child Items as well as any uncategorized product.
Split Order on Catalog: This lets Multi-Line manufacturers or agencies split a single order into several orders based on CatalogCode assigned to each product.
Enable Multiline: This enables Multi-Line manufacturers or agencies to segment orders and set Vendor-specific rules.
Enable Auto Assign Sales Rep to customers: This enables auto-assigning SalesReps to customers based on Sales Rep Territories. Read more about Auto-Assigning Sales Reps based on Territory.
If your account is not considered Multi-Line or Agency, then you can ignore the options in this section aside from the Search Child Items option. If you’re not sure whether your account is considered Multi-Line or not, please contact RepZio support.
Text Inputs
This section allows you to create or add more options to various fields in the order summary screen for the App. For example, you can add specific payment terms like “Credit Card”, “Cash on Delivery”, and “Net 30” by entering them into the “Terms” field. Make sure to separate them with a comma and no spaces. Once you click on the blue “Save Changes” button, then these options will appear once your sales reps tap on the “Terms” field in the Order Summary screen within the App. The Terms field has a 50 character limit.
Any new Order Types you add will also be searchable in the “View Orders” function within the WebManager. Lastly, the “UDF Labels” field is where you name the specific product filters you have created by using UDFs 16-20 in the Product Template. You can learn more about Advanced Search and product filtering here.
Order Receipt Export Settings
In addition to the existing columns already included in the Excel Export generated from Order Email Receipts, you can choose to customize what data is exported. Simply check the box next to each column you wish to include and change the Column Header Title to whatever you like and Save.
For more information on configuring Order Receipt Export Settings, click Here.