You may need to clear your browser cache and cookies for troubleshooting purposes. Here are directions to do so in some popular browsers for both mobile and desktop versions.
Mobile Browsers
The steps to clear your cache, cookies, and history may differ depending on the model of your Android device and your preferred browser, but you should be able to clear your cache and data from your application management settings menu:
- Go to and choose or .
- Swipe to the tab.
- In the list of installed apps, find and tap your web browser. Tap and then .
- Exit/quit all browser windows and re-open the browser.
Chrome for Android
- Tap .
- Tap .
- From the "Time Range" drop-down menu, select .
- Check and .
- Tap .
- Exit/quit all browser windows and re-open the browser.
Safari for iOS
- Open your Settings app.
- Tap .
- Tap and confirm.
- Exit/quit all browser windows and re-open the browser.
Chrome for iOS
- Tap .
- Tap .
- Tap .
- Choose the data type you want to clear.
- Tap .
- Exit/quit all browser windows and re-open the browser.
Desktop Browsers
How to delete all cookies in Chrome.
- In the browser bar, enter:
- At the top of the "Clear browsing data" window, click .
- Select the following:
From the "Time range" drop-down menu, you can choose the period of time for which you want to clear cached information. To clear your entire cache, select .
- Click .
- Exit/quit all browser windows and re-open the browser.
- On your computer, open Chrome.
- At the top right, click
- Under "Privacy and security," click Cookies and other site data.
- Click See all cookies and site data.
- At the top right, search for the website's name or domain.
- To the right of the site, click Remove
- From the menu, select .
If the menu bar is hidden, press
to make it visible. - From the drop-down menu, select the desired range; to clear your entire cache, select .
- Next to "Details", click the down arrow to choose which elements of the history to clear; to clear your entire cache, select all items.
- Click .
- Exit/quit all browser windows and re-open the browser.
Microsoft Edge
Microsoft Edge Legacy support ended on March 9, 2021. If you still have Edge Legacy, UITS recommends installing the new Chromium-based Microsoft Edge by running Windows Update.
- In the top right, click the Hub icon (looks like a star with three horizontal lines).
- Click the History icon (looks like a clock), and then select .
- Select , then , and then . Click .
- After the "All Clear!" message appears, exit/quit all browser windows and re-open the browser.
- From the menu, select , then , and then
- In the dialog box that opens, from the "Obliterate the following items from" drop-down menu, select .
- Select the following:
- Click .
- Exit/quit all browser windows and re-open the browser.
Safari 8 and later
- From the menu, select or .
- Select the desired time range, and then click .
- Go to or press
to exit the browser completely.