Welcome to “How To Use Our Public APIs: Quick Starter Guide”! In this document, you will learn how to call our public-facing APIs using a generated authorization access token using our external developers’ site as well as the Postman API application. Briefly, you will complete six steps to achieve this task: (1) request your subscription key, (2) create your user profile, (3) get your client ID and secret key, (4) get your username and password, (5) generate your authorization access token, and (6) use this authorization access token to call our public-facing APIs.
Here is this process illustrated in a simple and easy-to-follow flowchart:
Section 1: How To Request API Subscription Keys
As you sign up with the Developer Portal (see next section), this process automatically sends a notification to the [Azure] API admin who then grants you access. You will receive an email confirmation. This email contains a link that shows your subscription keys.
Section 2: How To Create A User Profile At Our Developers Portal
Click on the Sign up button or link at https://repzio.developer.azure-api.net.
You are directed to the Sign-Up page:
Enter your email, password (twice), first name, last name, and presented captcha code. Verify that this information is correct and then click on the Sign up button. You will receive an email that will ask you to confirm your email address. Click on the link embedded in this email to complete your reply confirmation. The “Welcome to Developer Portal” home page redisplays in your browser. Click on the Explore APIs button to enter the portal, as follows:
Your browser refreshes and displays the developer portal’s APIs page:
Section 3: How To Get Client ID And Secret Key
Go to https://manage.repzio.com/apisaccess. Your browser displays the login pop-up window. Enter your username and password and click on the Login to Dashboard button.
You are immediately directed to the following web page:
This is your “API Access Info” (under Settings) page.
It is here that you can obtain both your Client ID and your Secret Key.
Please record and store these in a safe and secure way for future consultation.
Section 4: How To Get Client Username And Password
Log in to http://manage.repzio.com/apisaccess and navigate to Users. Select a user to whom you want to grant API access. Observe the sample screen below. You can select from your listing.
The user you select should know their password (especially if you are selecting yourself).
Should you need to create a new user, then complete the Add User information panel that you see on the far right of the web page. Click on the Create New User button.
The page refreshes and the newly created user is displayed in the Existing Users listing:
Click on the user’s View/Assign/Access link. A pop-up window enabling formal access permissions displays. As an example, click on the “Global” checkbox to grant universal API access.
Click on Save Changes. Now, this newly added user has access to all of our APIs.
Note: This example is here only to show you the possibility of granting universal API access. You can choose not to do so and grant individual API access as well by clicking on individual checkboxes according to specific access rights that are permissible.
Section 5: How To Generate Your Authorization Access Token
First of all, make sure you are logged in successfully to the Developer Portal. Second, make sure you have clicked on the Explore APIs button and have arrived at the APIs page. Now, click on Authorization API to see its details (see sample screen below):
Your browser refreshes. Make sure GenerateAccessToken is selected:
Wait What About Authorization V2? V2 has some advanced early features that were needed for one of our integrators. For now, Authorization V1 will work with most cases, but if something is missing in V1, please let us know.
In order to generate this token you will need “client”, “clientsecret”, “username” and “password” for its Request Body. As we covered in Section 3 of this document, it is in WebManager that one can find this information (manage.repzio.com/apisaccess). Also, in Section 4 we can see how to get the username and password. You should now have all information necessary to populate the Request Body for GenerateAccessToken.
Go ahead and click on the Try It button on the far right side of the web page:
A pop-up data-entry window opens up from the right side.
Enter the Subscription key you received from the admin in the Subscription key field (if it is not already pre-populated).
Now, scroll down to the Body and enter the client, clientsecret, username, and password information appropriately to complete that field.
Finally, click Send to request that the Access token be generated.
Congrats! You have successfully generated your Authorization Access Token.
Note: At this time, the token does not display. This will be updated shortly.
Note: You can see this generated token in postman.com software as well.
If you input the very same information that we put into our developer’s portal into Postman and click on Send, the Authorization Access Token is created. In the Postman sample screen below, notice the highlighted code. This is your Authorization Access Token.
Note: We will be using this Authorization Access Token in the next section.
Section 6: How To Use Authorization Token To Call APIs
While in Postman, select the generated Authorization Access Token as noted in the previous page of this document. Click on the Send button.
It is this token that successfully calls the external (public-facing)
“GetCustomers” API (as our example below):
Notice that in Postman you can view this “called API” using different available tabs: Pretty, Raw, Preview, Visualize, and JSON. In our example, just to reiterate, we have called the GetCustomers API using the Authorization Access Token generated in the previous section of this document.
If you look closely at the sample screen above, the token is featured with an orange icon next to it to enable its identification. Make sure it is correctly selected before pressing the Send button. Other necessary items like headers are automatically generated as Send is selected.
Congrats! 🎉
You now know how to generate the needed authorization access token and use it to call on one of external (public-facing) APIs.
Well done!