Sales Reps
Sales Reps will log in daily to the RepZio App and will begin to use it regularly as a tool to help them work smarter not harder. The daily use of the app will help them manage time to sell more. Each rep needs to have their own username, password and be assigned a RepNumber. The username and password are part of their RepZio account which allows them to work with more than one manufacturer. The RepNumber is unique to each company they represent and is how the web manager links customers to each rep. This is clearly seen on the app when the rep logs in the will only have a customer list of those assigned to their RepNumber. This is usually based on territory/location of the customers that the rep will do business with.
- View/Edit Sales Reps
- Sales Rep License Types
- Setting Up Your Sales Reps For Badge Scanning Success
- Setting Up Territory Management
- Set Market Name
- Set Showroom Mode
- Manage Licenses
- How to Setup Parent/Sub-Reps
- Additional Rep Numbers: How To Share Customers Between Sales Reps
- Difference between Showroom and Admin Modes