Sellers now quickly populate new customer information by scanning a buyer’s badge at market. You can also match a scanned badge to an existing customer in your WebManager's Customer list. The buyer information scanned is collected inside WebManager's Showroom Activity page.
- Ensure you are updated to the latest version of RepZio & login as you usually would.
- Tap the badge scanning icon in the upper right corner of the app .
- Your camera will appear. Position the camera to capture the QR code on the buyer badge.
- The "Badge Captured!" screen will appear.
Add New Customer Button
This will take you to the traditional Add Client screen pre-populating the customer information that you just scanned.
Notify Sales Reps Button
You can use The Notify Rep button to send a sms/txt message to the phone number of the Sales Rep detailed on the left. Ensure your WebManager has added your 7 digit US phone number to Sales Rep Phone Number field.
Potential Client Matches
If the scanned buyer information matches a customer in your WebManager customer list, you can quickly tap that matched customers name to begin order writing.
Info Included in Text Message to Sales Rep
The following information is included in the text message sent to sales reps:
- Showroom name
- Buyer's brand name
- Buyer's name
- Buyer's address
- Scanned by rep name
A strong, stable wifi connection is required for the ideal badge scanning functionality. Blips, slow or outages in wifi connection will cause delays or issues with badge scanning functionality within the RepZio app.
Q. My badge scanning screen is white and my camera does not appear?
A. Ensure RepZio is allowed to access your camera. Go to Settings > using the search bar at the top, type RepZio > toggle Camera to green. This will allow RepZio to access your camera. Switch back over into the app & continue badge scanning.
Q. Why am I am not receiving sms / txt notification?
A. Ensure your WebManager has added your 7 digit US phone number to Sales Rep Phone Number field and or the Cell Phone number field. To ensure sms / txt delivery, add 1.561.250.0584 to their address book / contacts, just in case a sms / txt message blocker is enabled.
Q. My camera is toggled but I still don't see the Badge Scan button?
A: Ensure your RepZio WebManager has you toggled to Showroom Mode. This article will guide your WebManager.
Q. Why do I get a "Bad Badge" message when scanning?
A. Be sure that you are only scanning the QR code of an official market badge.
Q. When will badge scanning be available?
A. Badge scanning will be enabled approximately 3 days prior to the start of the Atlanta and Las Vegas Markets. Badge scanning will also be enabled approximately 3 days prior the start of High Point Market for those brands that opt-in. Badge scanning is disabled at the wrap of market.
Q. Does badge scanning support Canadian cell phone numbers?
A. Yes, the badge scanning functionality in RepZio supports sending text messages to sales reps with Canadian cell phone numbers.